Nice Things People Have Said
Rachel Goodman (1/16/23)
Steph is the single best investment I made in my running. Despite being an athlete my whole life, I never identified as a runner prior to working with Steph. Throughout the process of training for multiple marathons, Steph has been an invaluable source of knowledge- from body mechanics, mobility, gear, crafting race strategies, to mindset and all things female athlete related. Her personalized approach, reliable communication and relatable personality are unmatched. Steph is more than a coach- she is an educator, therapist, cheerleader and mentor. Thanks to Steph I can now say with confidence that, "I am a runner".
Maya Ziv (summer 2022)
Steph Creaturo completely changed my running. I have been a runner for twenty years, and had completed dozens of half marathons and two marathons by the time I met Steph but wanted to take my running to a new level. As a coach, she taught me a whole new world of running--increasing my confidence and speed by increased mileage, custom workouts, and race plans. I learned to stop relying on my watch and pace and to rely on the work Steph and I did together, and in the process gained a new world of confidence in myself and in my running.
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